Girl Scout Troop #597 Makes Donation!

Desmond Tutu once said that, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” Amidst all of the chaos and challenges we’ve experienced this past year, we here at Hopestone continue to see examples of light from many members in our community who continue to serve and support our worthy cause. Following is a letter that we received recently from Bartlesville’s Girl Scout Troop #597 which brightened our day and gave us hope that our future is in good hands. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did, and that these young ladies will inspire you to reach out and help those in need within our community.

To Mrs. Halpin:

Bartlesville Girl Scout Troop #597 would like to donate a portion of their income from past cookie sales to the Hopestone Cancer Support Center.  All three girls in this troop have graduated high school and are no longer eligible to use these funds.  When asked what they would like to do with the remaining balance in their account, they unanimously decided to donate a portion to help the community in which they live.  Please accept this small token of their appreciation for all of the great work this organization continually provides for those in need.


Thank you again and God bless!


Cory Lavers – Troop Leader, #597

Abigail Claussen

Ambika Krishnan

Brienne Lavers


The Vaclaw Brother’s Donation


Cuddle Bear Donation